
Lights, Sound, Concert

September 27th was D -day. Show time finally arrived. All scenes had been rehearsed non-stop, all details had been checked. Even the school band was ready to make its debut after some last-minute adjustments. Senior 1, 2 and 3 students were brimming with enthusiasm on the prospect of a unique show.  For them, it was the most expected event of the year so they let their energy flow as the band played their first notes.

The audience was surprised and delighted at the musical. Its plot transported them to an imaginary moment in the future where a battle between freedom and control, compliance and rebellion took place, leaving all participants and performers with a message of love and hope. 

Afterwards, a warm spring afternoon provided our Senior 4,  5 and 6 students with the perfect conditions for preparing an incredible hamburguer  and pop corn charity sale that matched our younger kids' performance.

All in all, our 2012 Concert was a great success thanks to our teachers' and our  Senior students' great commitment and hard work.