
Prep 2 Afternoon


Prep 4 Morning

En el marco de la unidad didáctica, Prep 4, armo un restaurant. 
Jugaron a ser mozos, cocineros y clientes. 


Prep 4 Afternoon


Visita a la Reserva

El en marco del proyecto de ecología, Prep 5, realizo una visita a la reserve ecológica junto a sus maestras.


Reserva ecológica - Prep 5



Halloween at school!!! Trick or treat and great costumes!!!


Eco- detectives

Somos “eco-detectives”. Prep 4 se comprometió con el cuidado del medio ambiente y fueron a primaria a enseñarles a todos a que cuiden el planeta.

Recibimos la visita de algunas mamás que realizaron actividades de arte reutilizando material descartable como parte del proyecto.

¡Gracias Violeta, Delfina y Agustina por venir!

Como cierre del proyecto, realizaron una visita a la reserva ecologica. 

Cooking whith Junior 1



Primary Writing Competition

On 5th November, children from all Primary classes (J1-J6) took part in the Annual Inter-House Writing Competition.

All the children worked quietly and seriously and all gained points for their Houses.

They should be congratulated on being chosen to represent their houses.

Junior 5 learning about “tea”

We prepared tea at school and children brought delicious food to share.


October is exam time!

At the beginning of this  school year Cambridge I.G.C.S. E exams presented themselves to students as a complex and enigmatic part of a distant academic horizon.

Time has gone by, lessons have accumulated and this confusing  vision has cleared into a concrete challenge students have to overcome. October is precisely exam time and the moment to face with confidence the winding road ahead.

Try your hardest dear boys and girls. We know you can!

A privileged encounter ...

On Thursday, October 22nd, S1 visited the natural reserve Ribera Norte to come in close contact with local flora and fauna. Along their visit, our students continued learning about native and non- native species and the impact humans have upon them . They were all once again amazed at the greatness of nature they can witness just across the street.

To say or not to say. When arguments count!

S1, S2 and some students from S3 took part in the 2015 Senior Public Speaking Competition. 
This school project that allows pupils to focus on  speaking and presentation skills and to practice how to communicate ideas effectively.

This year the categories of the competition were: ´Environment-related Monologues¨ (for S1) and ´Historical Debates¨ ( for S2).
Students from S3 played the role of the qualified jury. They assessed participants according to established parameters (rubrics) that evaluated body languagecontent, clarity and preparedness among other aspects. At the end of the competition, S3 students also gave oral feedback to all competitors demonstrating good practice through their improvised speeches.
The event proved to be an interesting learning experience for all students who promised to go for more next year!


Proyecto Solidario 2015