
Prep 2 Morning

Prep 2 Afternoon


Prep 3 Morning

Prep 3 Afternoon



Prep 4 Morning


Prep 4 Afternoon

Prep 5


Dragons come true

There’s no such thing as a dragon by Jack Kent.

Following a Reading Exercise on Dragons, our J5 children made their own Dragon Heads as a craft activity.

The children really enjoyed themselves and are now Dragon experts!


Junior 1 "F"

Junior 1 started to work with their books!!!

They are learning a lot and it’s fun!


Junior 1 "N"

Working on motor skills and displaying creativity. ART in action! 
Working on colours, textures and effects. So much fun!


Junior 2 "N"

Our J2 students have started using their Magic Boards to practise writing, listening comprehension, letter formation and drawing. They are learning a lot and it’s fun!


Capacitación de docentes de secundaria en aulas heterogeneas

La actualidad nos enfrenta a un nuevo desafío, un aula heterogénea donde el objetivo es enseñar a todos respetando la individualidad.

En el mes de febrero, los docentes realizamos una capacitación para continuar profundizando en este nuevo enfoque que nos propone una mirada de reconocimiento y legitimación de la diversidad.

Inicio del ciclo lectivo 2016



The first day of class was a good opportunity to talk about the international exams.

Pet and IGCSE Cambridge Certificates were given out to pupils. We want to congratulate those who were able to pass seven subjects and obtain the International General Certificate of Secondary Education.

Specially Lucía Alcacer Mackinlay and Carolina Neville who passed with merit.We are proud to mention that the following pupils received a grade A

Carolina Rocca (Environmental Management and ICT), Lois Marie Tuma (Art), Luna Llamazares (Art), Carolina Neville (Literature)


Heads & House Captains

Lucas Traversone and Sol Ortega will be the Head boy and Head girl this year. In the different Houses we will have the following Captains:

Red: Ladislao Hlavnicka and Delfina Donzino
Yellow: Carolina Neville Valentino Leali
Blue: Valentìn Capalbo and Marìa Valesani

We hope you have a great year and lead your teams with responsibility and joy.

Celebración del Día de la Poesía - Tertulias

En el comienzo del otoño, los alumnos de Secundaria, y  los profesores Alejandra Gallo, Virginia Blair, Juan Pablo Bonino, Clara Barros, (nueva bibliotecaria) y Ana Bortot, nos reunimos  en Biblioteca para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Poesía. Disfrutamos con las lecturas de notables poetas y jugamos armando  rompecabezas líricos de  Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Rubén Darío, Alfonsina Storni, entre otros. Nos animamos a crear  caligramas y poesía concreta; hasta ideamos con Senior 5   un Sonnets Tour para conocer la obra poética de William Shakespeare.

Hubo espacio para reflexionar y compartir lo que nos decían los poemas.
Una vez más esta tertulia literaria, nos pasea en volandas - y en ella - nos sentimos en buenas manos mirando  las cosas desde un lugar distinto que nos interpela, nos conmueve y nos hace mucho bien.

Sin duda, como dijo una vez Octavio Paz, cada lector busca algo en el poema y no es insólito que lo encuentre: ya lo llevaba adentro.


Charla de la reserva

La segunda semana de clases, el martes 8,  se realizó una charla a cargo del Guardaparque Guillermo “Willie” Bryant de la vecina reserva Parque Natural Municipal Ribera Norte”. 

En la misma nos informamos sobre la cuestión de los camalotes en la costa del río y sus consecuencias a lo largo de los años. Nos describió las distintas especies que “nos visitan”, llamándonos especialmente la atención las culebras y víboras yarara. Nos alertó sobre el verdadero riesgo actual, el dengue, las formas de prevenirlo y la responsabilidad de cada uno.


Student´s Council

El Student´s Council se reunió el viernes 18, y los delegados de cada curso presentaron propuestas e inquietudes a las Directoras y profesores allí reunidos. A partir de este encuentro se realizaron los últimos ajustes para el AIC (Acuerdo Institucional de Convivencia) que se implementará en el año 2016.


Why we come to Nightingale School

S1 wrote about our school and their views now that they have started Secondary School. This essay is a good example which reflects how comfortable they feel.

Nightingale is a school located in San Isidro and it is a lovely school. To start with, we have a lot of subjects, for example, language, history and mathematics. There are fourteen subjects in Secondary School and most of them are very difficult. Secondly, the teachers are great people that are always with you in the good times and bad times. For example, if you don’t understand something, if you feel bad or you are just lonely or if you need the teacher to help you, you just have to ask and they will help. They will guide you while you are at school which is something you will never forget about this school.
While nearly everything is positive, there are some negative things such as not passing a subject or having a problem with a classmate.
In conclusion, Nightingale School has many positive things and few negative things that usually never happen anyway. In brief, right now there is no other place I would prefer to be.
Valentino Di Tomaso