
Torneo Intercolegial

Felicitaciones a todos los chicos de secundaria por los excelentes resultados en el torneo intercolegial de fútbol masculino y femenino, organizado por el colegio Carmen Arriola de Marín 


Concurso EMBA

Los chicos de la banda del Colegio participaron del Concurso de Bandas Escolares organizado por la EMBA (Escuela de música de Buenos Aires)

Concurso EMBA 2023

J3 estuvo trabajando con textos instructivos y tipos de mezclas.

Para finalizar el proyecto prepararon una riquísima "ENSALADA DE FRUTAS"!!!



Sports have many physical, developmental, psychological and social benefits for children.

Playing sports helps children learn to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a positive way. It also helps them build resilience and feel better about themselves.
Parents play a key role to keep children interested and make it a positive experience for them. Don't forget to keep the focus on having fun and being active, rather than on winning.

After all, the best part is to share a fun moment with friends.


The IGCSE's season is officially here!

Students are giving their best. Please, keep it down during break time 

IGCSE 2023



Kinder Art exhibition

muestra de arte kinder