"Había una vez una palabra
redonda, entera, brillante.
Adentro de la palabra estaba el mundo.
Y en el mundo estábamos nosotros,
diciéndonos palabras."
Graciela Montes

Y llegamos al final del recorrido. Fue un placer haber compartido los cuentos, que nos acercaron a todos a pesar de la virtualidad.

Gracias a los participantes, alumnos, familiares, profesores y organizadores del Interhouse Writing Competition.

Nos anima a seguir alentando actividades como éstas.

Que las palabras sigan su camino y aventuren mundos diversos, en la intención de cada día al narrar una historia.

Ana Bortot - Extensión Cultural


El subte de las 23:60

Catalina Blanco Droescher S3

23:60. Esos eran los cuatro dígitos plasmados en el reloj de la estación 9 de Julio, el cual hasta hacía un momento parpadeaba sin decidirse entre las 23:59 y las 00:00. No tuve tiempo para reflexionar sobre aquella extraña falla tecnológica puesto que el subte de la medianoche, que había estado esperando, apareció frente a mí en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Tomé mis cosas y subí.

Una sensación de absoluta soledad me envolvió ahí dentro. El vagón estaba vacío completamente, y en cierta forma,  la falta de gente me alivió. Me derrumbé en un asiento y, sin nada de energía, dediqué mi tiempo a mirar a través de las ventanas que, con el subte en marcha, solo mostraban una constante pared empedrada. Comencé a escuchar un tango a lo lejos. Cuál era, no estaba seguro, pero me hacía sentir más solo.

Tan concentrado estaba mirando por las ventanas, que no me percaté de que no era el único pasajero. Me tomó un rato discernir una silueta lánguida a unos asientos de distancia de mí.

Tenía un rostro indescriptible, no por macabro, sino por una sombra que lo cubría como las nubes nocturnas envuelven a la luna. Me tomó un poco más de tiempo recordar que el vagón estaba vacío cuando me había subido y la revelación hizo que el pánico recorriera mi cuerpo.

Tuve el impulso de salir, pero no había forma. El subte estaba en marcha. Si esperaba solo llegar a la siguiente estación,  podría irme y nunca más ver a aquel hombre. Pero el túnel por el que pasábamos no terminaba, y el subte seguía, y seguía, y seguía, como el tango, que se repetía en un loop.

Andáte de acá, escuché, y al girar vi que el hombre seguía ahí, con la mirada fija en mí y su boca sin moverse. Me di cuenta de que la voz no era de él. Traté de ubicar de dónde provenía y noté que tampoco sabía de dónde venía el tango, que continuaba sonando, cada vez más agudo y disonante. Andáte de acá, de nuevo, pero esta vez eran más voces. Andáte, éste no es tu subte. Andáte, y las voces aumentaron hasta que las palabras ya no eran palabras y el coro entonaba chillidos y sonidos que no creía posibles, acompañados por violines y contrabajos discordantes. Soporté lo más que pude, hasta que no fui capaz de seguir ahí; al borde de un colapso, me paré a romper las ventanas, intentando escapar. Las golpeé con todas mis fuerzas. Estaban intactas. Probé con la puerta. La pateé tanto que debería haberla roto, pero no cedió. Y de fondo,  continuaban el coro, y el tango, y sentía la mirada del hombre quemando en mi espalda. ¡Andáte!

En medio de mi desesperación, descubrí el botón de freno al lado de las puertas, y con urgencia, lo presioné. El subte se detuvo, y sin pensarlo salté al estrecho espacio entre la vía y la pared.

Aunque estaba algo adolorido por la caída, me alejé lo más rápido que pude. Sin embargo, no pude evitar mirar hacia atrás por un segundo: vi al hombre del vagón inmóvil en una de las ventanas. La sombra que lo cubría se había despejado y vi un rostro perturbador, uno que pretendía ser humano y no lo lograba del todo. Junto a él, a lo largo del subte, cientos de personas más, todas observándome con un odio que no creí que humanos pudieran reflejar en sus caras.

No lo dudé. Salí corriendo con mi dolor ahogado por la adrenalina hasta que perdí de vista el subte, que seguía detenido cuando las sombras por fin, terminaron de ocultarlo en la distancia.

El túnel estaba sumergido en oscuridad, pero ésta fue destruida por una luz blanca que desde lejos se acercaba hacia mí. Era otro subte. Me cubrí, y pensé en la gente en la ciudad, paseando por la noche, cada una con sus alegrías y sus tragedias, y yo ahí abajo, corriendo por mi vida en un túnel, a punto de morir. Cerré los ojos, esperando lo peor.

Pero nada. Los abrí de nuevo, sin entender qué había pasado. Estaba en la estación, sentado en un banco, y frente a mí apareció el subte de la medianoche.


Jana Quian S1 

Hoy les voy a contar mi escalofriante y a la vez fascinante historia que viví en carne y hueso. Esto ocurrió el año pasado en Pinamar, donde fui con mis padres y unas amigas de veraneo por veinte días. Fuimos en auto y estuvimos más de ocho horas porque había mucho tránsito. Yo iba con mis amigas Cata, Zoe y Lucrecia, (aunque  a ella le gusta que la llamen Lulú). Cuando llegamos estábamos tan cansados que no hicimos nada. Al día siguiente que teníamos más pilas, fuimos a la playa. Estaba lleno de caracoles exóticos. También nos encontramos con unos cangrejos, y unos peces coloridos que nadaban entre nuestras patas. El mar estaba frío, igual no era nada nuevo, ya que la costa argentina siempre fue fría. Pero ese no es el punto. Un día que fuimos a la playa con Cata, Zoe y Lulú, vimos algo que no podíamos creer.

Cuando nos metimos en el mar, fuimos a lo hondo y vimos como una aleta. Ustedes pensarán que seguramente era un pez, pero era muy grande esa aleta para ser de un pez. Era del tamaño de mis piernas. Mis amigas y yo salimos corriendo hacia la orilla pensando que se trataba de un tiburón o algo por el estilo. Como los tiburones no nadan tan cerca de la orilla, descartamos la idea. El asunto quedó ahí, y no volvimos a sacar el tema.

Pasaron los días sin nada fuera de lo normal. Íbamos a la playa, tomábamos sol y unos mates; a la noche,  mis papás se iban a comer afuera, y con mis amigas salíamos a bailar. Unos días después, volvimos a ver esa aleta en el mar. Y esta vez no salimos corriendo. La analizamos un poco, ¡tenía rasgos humanos! Parecía una especie de sirena, pero no de las que te muestran en las películas. Las de las películas eran sirenas lindas, y agradables, pero ésta no era muy linda, ya que tenía unos rasgos que daban miedo.  Justo en ese momento mi mamá nos llamó para preguntar si queríamos churros. No la vimos más Con mis amigas quedamos boquiabiertas.

No supimos más de la sirena.

Uno de esos días estábamos paseando comiendo unos helados. Era de noche, alrededor de las ocho. Vimos una fogata donde contaban leyendas del lugar. Y fuimos a ver qué onda. Lo que nos dejó heladas a mis amigas y a mí fue la historia de las sirenas. Cuenta que todos los años un grupo de estos seres deambulaban por la costa en busca de personas para convertirlas en sirenas y ellas convertirse en humanos, es decir, se apoderaban de tu cuerpo. Esta leyenda surgió porque ya había varios que habían entrado al mar y desaparecieron.

Desde ahí con mis amigas nos propusimos investigar más a fondo acerca de aquellas sirenas que parecían monstruos. Por ese motivo todos los días íbamos a averiguar al mar, sin hallar nada. En dos días nos volvíamos, y no queríamos dejar el caso.

Ya era nuestro último día, y nos metimos en el mar como usualmente hacíamos. Pero algo terrible pasó. Mi amiga Zoe se fue muy al fondo, donde ya sus pies no tocaban la arena cómo un fenómeno la empujaba para abajo. Y así fue. Nadamos y nadamos para buscarla, le hicimos señas al salvavidas de allí, pero ni él la pudo encontrar. Buscamos por horas y ni un rastro.

Al día siguiente fuimos nuevamente a la costa a buscarla, pero fracasamos.

Caminamos y caminamos, y vimos de lejos a una chica muy similar a Zoe. Corrimos hacia ella: ¡era Zoe! Pero no nos reconoció. No sabía quiénes éramos.

Era una de esas sirenas que se había apoderado de su cuerpo.

El próximo verano  prometo volver a resolver el  misterio.



Brisa Cacciola S4


Esta historia no es mi historia. Nomás la estoy contando yo. Que se entienda que la es de mi amigo Marco, Marco el de la cate. Lo conozco desde que se mudó a San Isidro hace unos años. Muy buen pibe. Somos cercanos. Tal vez los detalles estén medio fuera de lugar.

Tal vez me mezcle en algunas partes. Quiero pedirle perdón al universo por no conseguir darle honor a esta historia; que la verdad,  merece ser contada.

El flaco se enamoró de mi amiga. Así, desde el principio; sin vueltas, sin tire/empuje, sin complicaciones. Davinia se enamoró de él también. Todos en la cate pensamos que era algo tan real, tan intenso, que no podía ser un accidente. Ellos, se suponía,  que se iban a encontrar. Dos personas, que nacieron por su cuenta, pero nacieron solamente para encontrarse.

La casa era del abuelo. Una casa enorme, ancestral, hermosa; con un aire a Tim Burton que te hiela hasta los huesos. La había heredado con su vieja cuando él murió. José María. Ahora me acuerdo que Marco una vez me había contado que el abuelo siempre le decía que era igual a su viejo.

La mamá también, "sos igual al tata". Toda la familia, en realidad. Él era igual al bisabuelo, y así lo tenían. Me pareció normal, hasta gracioso tal vez.

Mirando atrás, pienso que hubiera sido mejor no tomármelo tan a la ligera.

Bueno, volviendo a la historia. Él enamoradísimo de Davinia, Davinia enamoradísima de él.

Siempre caían a la plaza juntos. La plaza Mitre digo, por si no se entendió. Todos los días, todos en la plaza. Un día no lo dejaron venir. A la noche me llamó todo cagado, me pidió de juntarnos; yo no entendía nada.

"Vi una foto de Davi."

"Sí..." No veía el problema.

"Davi en 1946." Ahí entendí. Me la mostró. En efecto; era Davi, en la catedral, en un papel blanco y negro gastado. Atrás tenía escrito “Davi en la catedral”, 1946. La letra era del abuelo, lo comprobamos por documentos en su habitación. Otra cosa que comprobamos era que sí eran iguales. To a scary level.

Mi primera conclusión fue que Davinia era un vampiro. La segunda: un fantasma. En vez de hacerle caso a mis increíbles intuiciones,  fuimos a la biblioteca. Busqué documentos, diarios, todo lo que pudiera encontrar de la época.

"Resulta," le dije "que Davinia era hija de un político. Pero ella era feminista, feminista posta. Corte militancia. Era una época complicada, y el papá encima era conservador. Y sí, estaba con tu bisabuelo. Eran re tiernos, te digo." Marco se rió, sin saber lo que le esperaba.

Ahora viene la parte rara. Se suicidó. Así. Corta. Se tiró de un balcón."

La noticia la recibió como yo había imaginado Cagado de las patas, una ansiedad increíble, la cabeza maquinando a mil. ¿Cómo se tomarían ustedes que su novia fuera la reencarnación de alguien que se terminó tirando de un balcón? Ni hablar de que al parecer vos sos la reencarnación de su ex novio. Son cosas que impactan, vieron.

Hasta el día de hoy seguimos sin saber exactamente qué es lo que pasa. O pasó. O va a pasar. A Davinia por ahora no le dijo nada. Prefiere hacer de cuenta de que no hay nada raro en su relación.

Aunque yo sé que tiene miedo de que le pase algo. Dopplegangers, me dijo el otro día. Ni idea de qué hablaba.

Ella está bien, cae a la plaza todos los días como si nada. No se tiró de ningún balcón. Cuando con los pibes hablamos de los tiernos que son, me encanta ser parte de esto. Yo soy una de las únicas dos personas que saben que en serio hay algo superior en su amor. Es algo que va más allá de toda lógica. Es el amor más real que conozco.

Quiero dejar registrado mi nombre por si esto termina siendo un suceso histórico de importancia. Quiero los créditos. Soy Ramiro Herbekian, y esta historia (real) la conté yo.



Pedro S1 y Mauricio Lucero

El reloj nos levantó temprano, como nunca. Finalmente había llegado el día tan esperado. Cualquier sacrificio era compensado con creces por las ganas de vivir esa experiencia. Sobre todo porque debido al mal tiempo ya se había suspendido dos veces. ¡Dos veces!!! Qué desilusión. Eran tantas las ganas que no lo podíamos creer. Pero ese día estaba perfecto. Parecía pintado. Apenas unas nubes que aparecían como para confirmar que realmente era el mismo cielo que siempre veíamos. Un poco de viento ayudaba a la misión. Partimos cinco y media de madrugada desde el barrio de Belgrano. Teníamos cuarenta y cinco minutos de viaje hasta el pueblo de Cardales, donde comenzaba la aventura. Una chocolatada y un café con galletitas dulces que comimos rápidamente nos ayudaron a despertarnos. La ansiedad nos embriagaba. Los nueve pisos por ascensor se hicieron eternos. Por suerte la falta de vecinos a esa hora ayudaba a tener un descenso directo hasta la puerta de calle. Ya en el auto con nuestras canciones favoritas, nos dirigimos a la autopista, por suerte desierta. Nuestras caras tenían dibujada una sonrisa permanente, como de alguien que sabe que va a recibir una gran sorpresa. Cuando dejamos la ciudad atrás, con sus altos edificios, sabíamos que faltaba poco para llegar. El sol del amanecer que iluminaba a las vacas del campo pastando, era un cuadro en sí mismo. Claramente era un gran augurio.

A VALUABLE LESSON - Senior 1, 2 & 3


by María Inés Plaza S2

It was already midnight and Sylvie was still working at the cafe. Sylvie wanted to go home so badly, but she couldn't, she needed to work, she needed the money to pay for her little daughter's dancing shoes.

Her daughter Amy was the best dancer in the whole small town, she moved smoothly and gracefully, like a swan.  She deserved those new shoes; she deserved to win the dancing competition, and she would.

Sylvie finished her shift and went to her apartment, Amy had already fallen asleep. Sylvie kissed her on the forehead and went to bed.

Sylvie was finally able to pay for the new shoes and gave them to Amy on her birthday. She took Amy to dance classes three times a week. A few months later, the competition arrived.  They both woke up early and went where the competition was taking place.

“I'm scared mommy, what if I fail?”, grieved Amy.

“The result isn't important. If you commit yourself heart and soul, you make an effort and most importantly, if you don't give up, don´t worry about the result; that's what really matters”.



by Isabella Venghi

 A year ago I went with my parents on a cruise for the holidays. It was a very nice place where you could enjoy the hot and very sunny days. The day when we were setting off we were rushing because we were very late. We thought we would miss the cruise. It was gigantic, wonderful and massive. I was very happy, I went to see all the games, taste the food and the best thing of all was that there was a karaoke on a Friday night.

Four days later, it was the karaoke night. I wanted to participate, but I was too shy and nervous. I had made a friend called Missy who was very sweet and kind. She hyped me up to go and sing, so I decided to do my best. At the beginning of the show there weren’t a lot of people, but hours later more kids and adults came. I started singing. My cheeks went red for a second, I was shaking a little. When I finished singing a woman came up to me. I think she was forty-two years old. She told me I had a beautiful voice and that I was a talented girl. I didn’t believe her.  I still don´t believe her.

By the end of the week the words that she said went over my mind a thousand times. When we arrived in Florida, I asked my mom if I sang well. “I’m amazed at your voice” , said my mom. So I learned a valuable lesson: “If you have the talent and passion, trust yourself and go for it !


By Violeta Manitto Rossi


-Last week, I woke up and realised that I had to relax and enjoy my life, I thought of it and I don't have to wait for something good to happen magically, I HAVE TO MAKE IT TRUE! I started having breakfast happily, later I worked out to stretch, then, me and my friend Kiara went surfing at the beach, in the Bahamas. That morning I did what I wanted to do.

-Eventually, at midday it was catastrophic, I forgot to do a really important homework for middle school, next I didn't go to my granny's birthday and the most worrying thing was missing my lifeguard class which I´ve waited all summer for!

-Afterwards, I realised that I had relaxed A LOT. At first, I felt annoyed and guilty about forgetting all those important things I had to do. But finally this week I

bought a present for my granny, finished the homework and attended my lifeguard class. After all, this was a really valuable lesson, make things relaxed, but not too much!


A VALUABLE LESSON - Senior 4, 5 & 6



by Victoria Manitto Rossi S4


A cold snowy night of March I was getting ready for the beginning of a new high school year. I wasn't very excited, since I had come all the way from my old town where my school companions weren't nice at all. But that year, I knew I wanted to have a fresh start, enjoy school, learn, and hopefully find a group of friends that would accept me for who I was, and not for my looks and size. 

"Are you excited about tomorrow?'', thrillingly asked mother, my best friend in life and sole companion in our house. Unfortunately, even though we talked about everything and everyone, it was hard for me to talk about my insecurities with her. Especially since the last time I did.  She had risked everything and moved our lives to the city so that I was able to start over. But, last time I promised to tell her everything, particularly whenever I was feeling self-conscious, so I did. I told her that I was feeling anxious because of the following day, and to calm myself down I asked her to tell me how I could deal with it. It was then, while we were lying next to the fireplace during the snowstorm, when she told me the statement that became my mantra until today: "Fake it 'till you make it", said mother determinedly. After that she taught me that confidence is key, and that if I felt confident about myself, or at least faked it, no one would ever again be able to make me feel down on myself because when they realized my size wasn't a weakness of mine, they would stop, and eventually, that "fake" confidence would turn real. So that night, I knew that I didn't need to lose weight, or cover myself like people used to say, but what I had to do was exude confidence, which would later in life make me confident. 

My mother was the person who gave me the most valuable lesson of my life. It wasn't a teacher at school, it was my mom. She taught me how powerful confidence is and how to pass it on to others. The following day, I showed up at school and began the best years of my social life. I met my present group of friends, I got to live an enjoyable high school experience, and all thanks to her. 



by Marcos García Haymes S4

It all started with a simple match of table football game, me vs. my dad. My name is Marcos, I am a person who plays games and sports seriously and I am always aiming at winning, I can’t tolerate a defeat.

I had an atrocious day at school. We had lost an important football match and I felt a flame of anger flicker and grow. My dad drove the car until we arrived at the house; he opened the door and an enormous box was waiting for me. Full of emotion and excitement I started to guess what was inside that mysterious box. My dad looked at me with a broad smile on his face, I unwrapped it desperately and a glow lit up a beautiful and brand new table football game. Twenty-two shiny and classic players, red and blue, and a small ball. My eyes could not believe what they were seeing. We

put all the things together and started to play. The first match: me vs. my little brother. Of course, an easy game. Second match: me vs. my mother; it was a tough one because she was always jumping and shouting, until my dad took the leadership of the red team. He gave me a defiant look while my hands were sweating and shaking at the same time. When the ball went through the little groove the suffering began. He was too good and my bluish aluminium players could not do anything. I had lost, my tears ran down my cheeks full of humiliation; my stifled screams against the pillow wouldn't let me stand up and play again. My victorious dad came quietly to my bedroom. He sat next to me “It is just a game. You need to have fun, not everything in this world is winning, you sometimes lose and sometimes win but that should not take away the desire to play. Come on! Wash your face and go downstairs to play”, said my dad encouragingly. I wiped my tears and went downstairs. My dad was waiting for me, but now with a contented look. When again the worn ball went through the little groove, the jokes began.

Finally, we played many matches having fun, making jokes of how bad we played. My mother came in and we played together laughing. Although I never beat my father all that suffering and shaking was gone. Now, laughs and enjoyment filled the atmosphere. Not everything is winning.


A Valuable Lesson

by Alessandra Crousillat S4

I always heard people say to appreciate the people/persons that surround us, because you never know what is going to happen. However, I didn't realize that, until it happened to me.

I was 14 years old when I had a really terrible argument fight with my mother. She was very pissed off because I left for the weekend with my boyfriend without her permission. She had no idea about it, and I was not going to tell her. She was so angry and worried that she grounded me for a month and she took away my phone. We had a terrible war of words argument, and I felt that she was being unfair, she wouldn't even listen to me, so I decided to run away. 

I stayed at my best friend's house, indefinitely. My mother knew that I was there and let me stay. It was her way of letting me have space and think about what I had done. After a week of not having any contact with her, I received a call through my friend’s phone. Apparently, my mother had had an accident while in her horse riding class. What happened was that the horse she was riding got scared because of a very loud sound. He started going crazy, running erratically causing my mother to fall off. . Apart from a few fractured bones, she had suffered a head trauma causing her to go into a coma. Once I realized what had happened, I felt a knot in my throat and my eyes immediately teared up. 

My friend's parents took me over to the hospital, and stayed with me. While in the waiting room, I realized what I had done. All those terrible things I told her and all those actions I had taken. I felt it was my fault. I later went home with dad. The next morning we went to visit her again. As soon as we entered the room she woke up. I hugged her and told her that I was really sorry about what I had done. It was a miracle. 

It is amazing how life teaches you the importance of appreciating the people that you love. That every moment you spend with them is a gift. I had a second chance with my mother and I am thankful for that, because I know that for some people it is too late to make amends.



A Valuable Lesson

by Mrs Romina and Félix Aburgeily S1


It was me. I was there, in the middle of a street watching people running and escaping from earth as fast as they could.

It seemed to be a dream, but I was not sleeping, I could hardly understand what was going on. It was like a movie, and I was the principal actor.

I could not hear what people were shouting, as they were desperate. Screaming and pushing each other as if they were trying to avoid a bomb, or something like that. Although I was trying to keep calm, my heart started to feel like stressed, my body was not in peace anymore. I started shivering and wondering how to react.

What is going on? I could ask an old lady who was not able to run because of her age-. Didn’t you hear the news?  There is a virus coming! And it is extremely near. This virus is coming from Asia, is killing everybody, you’d better run away, or if not, you will be the next one, she said.

I tried to reach a starbucks which was three blocks away from where I was standing. I knew that there was a small television in that place, and I could hear that crazy story about that strange virus. When I got there, a lot of people were standing in front of that tv with their eyes opened, they were completely amazed.

It was true. A virus was killing a lot of people, specially the eldest, but even the best doctors in the world could not explain what was this about. Why was this bacterium killing people, how did they affect them, what could we do to protect ourselves. Running was not the answer.

I went back home and begged my mother, do not run mum. Let’s Stay home, Stay safe. If we do not go out, the virus will not find us I thought. I tried to be calm, but I could not. Every single tv show was talking about that. Doctors were also dying, and the world was in a complete chaos.

Its exceedingly difficult to think properly when you are afraid. Its almost impossible. So, I always made my best and tried to keep calm.

The world could not stop the virus, doctors around the world were extremely tired assisting people everywhere. It was like a movie, a terrible movie.

Schools closed their doors, children stayed at home. Shopping’s also closed. It was like a “world break”. And there we stayed. Like frozen. At first, we all thought it was going to be twenty or thirty days, but months went by and the whole world could not stop this crazy storm.

It was not easy. Every family inside their houses sharing 24 hours their whole lives. Children, like me, inside our homes, without seeing our friends, without going to our school, without living our real lives…taking care of ourselves, learning new ways of sanitizing, using alcohol, wearing masks, avoiding people! It was so sad. I had never been in a war luckily, but it seemed to be one. It was a war indeed, against and invisible virus. So hard, so strong, so sad.

Days and months went by, almost one year, everybody inside. Most of the people lost their jobs, people were worried, they were furious, and unhappy. Some were depressed. They refused to believe in this unknown virus at first, but they could not, as in every nights tv news announced the amount of deaths.

My family stayed inside. We took care as we could. We started helping people and that made us feel better. We cooked every day so as to try to have a little bit of fun. We learnt to share, we were not used to being together every day, every hour. We also fought a lot. Sometimes we shouted to each other. We spent good days, but also incredibly sad days.

We learnt how to deal with our feelings, as they change every day! Every hour I mean. My mother worked all day long. We had to help at home, as my dad needed to go out to work. That was not nice, as we were all worried about his health. He could not stay at home with us, his work was outside, and that made me sad. But I kept on learning. I learnt how to study, as that year I entered my secondary school. I learnt how to make new friends from distance, as everything was through internet, I learnt how to use zoom, google classroom, meet, and so many other apps. I learnt, I really learnt a lot.

It was not easy. It was hard indeed. But now, some years later, after the vaccine was discovered, looking back at those days, I can say that all that made me grow. It was a hard year but the one I most remind.

I grew up, I felt sad. It was hard for me to get used to that new school, it was a not easy, but I learnt. I learnt so much that I will never forget that virus, I will never forget that year, as my family and I were always holding each other  as we could, but we were there, one for each other, like we are still now, this was a real valuable lesson for all of us, and for the whole world. This is the lesson I most remember, and I am sure most of you too.